EHNOTE Remote helps Doctors to consult with a patient remotely. It allows constant monitoring of the patient’s condition and performance of preventive and control check-ups outside medical facilities. EHNOTE Remote helps you to determine the need for patient physical visits, which help you to reduce the burden on your hospital. EHNOTE Remote can help you to Communicate with patients and providing the treatment plan through remote consultation. We make your health center is telemedicine ready!
Carry a clutter-free, smooth and user-friendly EHR experience wherever you go. EHNOTE packs all the power of our EHR platform on mobile devices with:
Have access to your appointments on mobile devices and manage them on the go. Now, you need not be tied to your desk. With EHNOTE mobile you can:
Our mobile EHR applications comes with a full-fledged features for consulting anywhere. EHNOTE gives you the freedom to practice whenever the situation demands. Here are a few things that you can do:
EHNOTE mobile has a built-in advance investigation module that allows easy access to existing patient investigations. This helps doctors to view existing investigations or note new ones with a single tap. Investigation over mobile includes capturing the images with phone camera and uploading them to note a specific problem. Such data can be saved with patient records and analyzed to get a feedback on the treatment efforts.
Analyzing patient lifestyle can be important aspect in treating patients. This is why EHNOTE enables Doctors to access the patient lifestyle information related to physical activities, sleeping patterns and food habits. Based on this information, Doctors can providing a better treatment plan